(b) To develop the capacity and skills of organisations set up for charitable, benevolent or philanthropic purposes in such a way that they are better able to identify and help meet the needs of members of socially and/or economically disadvantaged communities
(c) To relieve unemployment for the public benefit in such ways as may be thought fit, including assistance to find employment
(d) The advancement of education, training or retraining, particularly among unemployed people, and providing unemployed people with work experience
(e) To improve the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of organisations particularly in the areas of community development or service user engagement through providing relevant capacity building support, business and marketing solutions, education and training
(f) To provide technical assistance, project development and management expertise to organisations and partnerships set up for charitable, benevolent or philanthropic purposes.
Upturn does this by:
(a) Helping develop the capacity and skills of people living in economically disadvantaged communities so that they are better able to identify, and meet their needs and participate more fully in society.
(b) Working with social enterprises and other organisations set up for charitable, benevolent or philanthropic purposes to help them develop capacity and skills so that they are better equipped to identify, assess and meet the needs of the people and communities they seek to help.
(c) Forging innovative partnerships with public and private sector organisations to devise robust funding models that make, commercial sense for investors, enhance social value and improve health and wellbeing.
(d) Delivering sustainable and durable solutions to the interlinking strands of employment, skills & training, enterprise & business start-ups, community initiatives & engagements.
(e) Fostering partnerships in order to identify, acquire, develop and manage assets and resources that benefit the communities we serve and the partners that invest.
(f) Creating constructive, caring and supportive work environments so that all our professional colleagues can thrive and develop.
(g) Investing time with our partners to think strategically about the future needs of our communities, the problems they face and the ways in which sustainable services and facilities may be developed and delivered in cost effective ways in the years ahead.
(h) Remembering it’s not all about profit – it’s about something else that matters too.