The report of the GM Independent Inequalities Commission recommended that GM establish a Community Wealth Hub ‘to support and grow co-operatives, mutuals, social and community enterprises, staffed by people from the co-operative and community sector who understand the market’.
On 16th March, the Mayor of Greater Manchester joined representatives from the social sector and Cllr Elise Wilson, Leader of Stockport Council and GM Portfolio Leader for the Economy, to launch a six-month co-design process for the proposed Community Wealth Hub.
It will be important that any Community Wealth Hub should be developed and co-designed with the people and organisations who might benefit from or provide services to the Hub.
Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) now want to hear your thoughts on the proposals, and you can get involved by providing your thoughts at Greater Manchester Combined Authority - Citizen Space (
GMCA would very much like to hear from:
- People involved in the business support ‘ecosystem’ for enterprises in the social economy in GM
- People involved in running ‘generative businesses’ - social enterprises, trading charities, companies limited by guarantee, community interest companies, social firms, credit unions, community benefit societies, worker co-ops, consumer co-ops, mutuals, community businesses (for profit but social purpose) and employee-owned private businesses…..
- Local authorities and public agencies – who commission and support local businesses
- Voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations with an aspiration to trade
- Larger, private businesses, particularly those with an interest in having more social enterprises or community organisations in their supply chains
Please use the link to:
- Provide your thoughts and comments on our initial thinking
- Tell us how you want to be actively involved in the co-design of the Hub
- Join our virtual reference group.
Should you have any queries at all, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing